HD video, 2021, 5 min. 54 sec. 2022
with Sam Samiee

Even if you are a non-believer, there is a class of images: rare sightings forever burned into your retina, that bear a special importance and charismatic power. A few years ago, during an excursion that took place in the Pyrenees, together with Sam Samiee we witnessed such an appearance: on a meadow some 50 meters below us, a horse with two heads was observing us with 4 pairs of eyes. It was not a sad case of polycephaly, as both heads were positioned on opposite sides of the animal’s body, as if it was ready to gallop in two opposite directions. Instead of galloping, the miraculous animal was calmly reflecting our collective gaze, which at the time felt as if our unity seemed as miraculous to it as its unity did to us.